The Unscripted Life Project

Oct 1- Nov 15

I am gifting 30 coaching calls across 45 days for those who are ready to break limiting patterns and chart their own unscripted, heart-aligned path.

Book Your Free Project Call

Why an unscripted life? Here's my story.

I have always known that my life wouldn’t take the standard route. The dream of the typical corporate job and the white picket fence never got me going. This was affirmed to me by my mother who when asked to describe me as a kid said “strong willed, snazzy dresser, and always said ‘I don’t do it that way’”. 

While I thought for a long time that my decisive and sassy nature was just a personality trait, I discovered that it’s my superpower to be a trailblazer. 

Meaning: I chart my own path. I break down barriers. I go into unknown territory. 

Now this unknown territory isn’t the deep sea or outer space.  And honestly, from the outside in, my life looks pretty normal.

But on the inside, you’d see that for years, I’ve been quietly breaking the cycles that have kept me trapped in self-doubt and scarcity.  


Small action by small action, I became a cycle-breaker of internal scripts, patterns, and stories that had been looping for years: 

  • I broke the cycle that kept me sacrificing my own needs to rescue others. 
  • I broke the protective cycle that kept me quiet when I wanted to speak out. 
  • I broke the cycle that kept me hustling for the sake of productivity and defining my productivity as my worth.

My unknown territory has been into the realm of trusting my intuition, following my calling, and letting my voice be heard. 

What I first saw at a young age and have continued to witness is that so much of our life comes to us pre-scripted: the social narratives we’re raised in, the communities and societies we live in, our genes, and beliefs that are passed down.

We’re given the script of what we should like and dislike based on gender.

We’re given the script of what career to choose based on our parents’ legacy and strengths.

We’re given the script of how we define success based on our dominant culture.

And underneath that, we’re given the small but mighty lines of what we should believe about ourselves and our worthiness. 

So, while I grew up surrounded by unconditional love and support, I was also scripted into the story of not enough, hustle for your worth, and you can do anything… but don’t take big risks. 

I was, like many of us, raised with the scripts of survival. 

The script is handed down- lines are spoken- notes are taken- the script is passed on. 

Since launching my coaching practice, I’ve been immersed in powerful conversations about the cycles and scripts we find ourselves carrying.

So many of the lines are…

…don’t ask for what you want because you’re being too much.

…be smaller so you don’t stand out.

…you won’t be accepted and you won’t succeed if you’re authentically you.

…don’t make a big deal of your accomplishments so you don’t make others feel “bad”.

…don’t speak up, don’t ask for what you need because that’s selfish. 

We’ve gotten so used to shrinking ourselves and our needs, dimming our lights, diminishing our gifts, and playing small that we don’t even need a script anymore because all of those lines are memorized.


The myth that we have to keep reading the scripts we’re handed and perpetuate the cycles we’re in has deprived the world of extraordinary greatness. 

And I see the craving and desire in my clients and community to become the trailblazers who write their own scripts, flow with intuition, and lets loose the floodgates of their authentic, true, full selves. 

What if we’re not meant to recite lines?

What if instead, our role and responsibility is to weave worthiness, courageous compassion, and passionate pleasure back into our scripts so that we not only pass on the blueprint to survive, but to thrive?

I want to live in a world where we write and script our own narratives in alignment with our inherent worthiness and wholeness.

Because when we do, we:

  • Stop treating our dreams as selfish indulgences and start claiming our deepest desires.
  • Courageously let go of the beliefs and stories that fool us into thinking that we’re not worthy of living a life that feels authentically ours. 
  • Start opening up to receiving the gifts and opportunities the world has to offer. 
  • Get curious and compassionate instead of scared and consumed when the old lines start popping into our scripts again.
  • Unleash our intuition and creative energy.
  • Trailblaze the path of the future version of ourselves that we want to be.


What future is possible when you untether from the scripts written in the past?

Introducing the...

unscripted life project. 


From October 1st- November 15th, I am devoted to gifting 30 coaching conversations to like-hearted cycle-breakers and trailblazers. Join me in bravely trusting your inner knowing and claiming your voice. 


This is my invitation for you into a nourishing conversation about how to write your own script because the more we hear others speak their stories from their unknown, brave uncharted territory, the more we empower others to speak from theirs.

Book Your Unscripted Life Project Call

This project is for you if…

  • You identify as a cycle-breaker or trailblazer (or want to be one) 
  • You’re dedicated to not passing forward or rippling out the limiting patterns that keep you stuck.
  • You’re invested in living a vibrant, authentic life according to your own chosen values and contributes to the collective community


This project is not for you if…

You don’t believe in the mind-body connection and that the body has wisdom to share

You’re looking for a quick fix or a place to complain about past bad experiences 

You don’t want to change

Each project conversation is 90-minutes of dedicated coaching to help you break limiting cycles, reconnect with your own voice, and chart your unscripted path.

Here’s what I hope our project call together will do for you: 


  • Uncover self-limiting patterns and cycles: Together we’ll unearth the “scripts” beneath your core challenge that have been getting in the way of taking action towards your vision and goals.
  • Claim the gift of the old scripts: Each of our stories and patterns has served a purpose in getting you to where you are in life. We’ll honor the purpose they’ve served and better understand how to use this wisdom to fuel your future. 
  • Reconnect with your inner wisdom: Your gut feelings and intuition deserve to be heard, seen, and celebrated! We’ll tap into this source of wisdom to amplify your authentic voice. 
  • Equip you with new empowering lines and beliefs that empower you with a renewed sense of self and confidence. 

Book your spot in the project!


1. Click the button below and book a time slot in the project!

Each call is 90-minutes and can be recorded for your personal reference. This call will take place between October 1-November 15, 2023.

2. Answer the questions in the booking link to help me understand how best to support you.

In order to secure your project call there are a few questions you’ll complete so that I know exactly how to support you during our call together.

3. Show up to your call.

If you need to reschedule, I will do my best to accommodate. This will be based on availability within the project dates.

Book Your Spot in the Project!

The Unscripted Life Project 


October 1- November 5


Gifting 30 Calls in 45 Days

Why is this call free? 

This call is a heart-centered offering for you to have the opportunity to experience somatic coaching in a safe, open, zero-pressure environment. 
My goal is to provide a space for you to have deep self-insight and also get a taste of what it's like to work with me as your coach. 


What if I'm interested in more coaching? 

If you are interested  in my 1:1 coaching program, you can indicate this in your project call questionnaire when you sign up. We will discuss the details at the end of our call. 

How long is the coaching call? 

Project Calls are 90-minutes long and can be recorded for your personal reference. 


What can I expect to gain from the call? 

You'll gain a deeper awareness of what's blocking you from achieving your vision and goals and where that lives within your body. We'll explore how to be in greater connection with your intuitive truth and explore new possibilities of how to embody that vision. 
My aim is to empower you to go into your unknown territory with greater confidence and self-trust.

Transparency Note: 

Coaching Projects are one of the ways I connect with my ideal clients and fill the limited spots in my coaching practice. These projects also provide a chance for my ideal coaching clients to experience my work in a 100% complimentary setting.  
Each session in this project is offered for you to receive heartfelt, powerful coaching. If at the end of the session coaching together feels like the best next step for both of us and you have an interest in learning more about a 1:1 coaching program, we will discuss working together and options for next steps.

but then again it feels like some sort of inspiration.

to let the next life off the hook.

- Indigo Girls

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